Deep-Ocean Bites is a collection of short, topical videos featuring bite-sized answers to deep-sea and open exploration questions provided by experts in the field. Dive into each of the miniseries below to learn more about various topics in ocean exploration and get an inside look into what it means to be a deep-sea scientist and explorer.

Hydrothermal Vents Miniseries
Hydrothermal Vents are found in the deep ocean near spreading centers and subduction zones. Despite being volatile environments beyond the reach of the sun, vents are oases of life. Learn more about this unique ecosystem from the experts that study it.
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Ocean Exploration Careers Miniseries
Despite the fact that the ocean covers approximately 70% of Earth’s surface, much of it remains unexplored and not fully understood. Ocean Exploration is an interdisciplinary career field made up of researchers from various scientific disciplines, engineers, educators, science communicators, and more, working together to close gaps in our basic understanding of the biggest habitat on this planet.
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Underwater Robots Miniseries
Underwater robots, such as remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles, are essential tools for ocean exploration. These robots can explore areas of the ocean that are too dangerous or too difficult for humans to go. Underwater robots come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be outfitted with numerous sensors and tools to collect data and samples needed to better understand deep-sea environments.
Learn moreEach Deep-Ocean Bites video is produced using previously recorded footage from expert interviews conducted during virtual NOAA Ocean Exploration Educator Professional Development events. The questions featured in each video were submitted by professional development participants and were answered live by ocean exploration experts. Additional topical footage was paired with interview transcripts after the fact to produce each of the short videos in the collections above.
The Deep-Ocean Bites collections are developed by a NOAA Ocean Exploration Explorer-in-Training intern completing a 10-week, remote Exploration Education, Media, and Science Communication internship opportunity.
Do you have questions about ocean exploration or the deep-sea?
Learn more and register for a NOAA Ocean Exploration Educator Professional Development Event today for the opportunity to ask an expert!
Are you a college student or recent graduate that is interested in science communication and video production?
Learn more about the NOAA Ocean Exploration Explorer-in-Training Program and apply for an Exploration Education, Media, and Science Communication internship opportunity (10-week, remote) today!
Note: Explorer-in-Training program applications open in December and close January 31 each year.