U.S. Revenue Cutter Bear with the modifications made from 1884 to 1926 during its career as a U.S. Revenue Cutter. During this time period, Bear was involved with numerous missions and individuals, including the Overland Relief Expedition, the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1919, and Captain Michael “Hell Roaring Mike” Healy, the first African-American commissioned as an officer in the U.S. military. The 3D scale at the bow of the ship represents 15 feet (1-foot increments from 1 to 5 feet and then 2-foot increments from 5 to 15 feet). These modifications were constructed using plans from Mystic Seaport Museum and historic photographs.
Model of Bear 1884-1926
Model and image courtesy of Raymond Phipps. Download image (jpg, 288 KB)
U.S. Revenue Cutter Bear with the modifications made from 1884 to 1926 during its career as a U.S. Revenue Cutter. During this time period, Bear was involved with numerous missions and individuals, including the Overland Relief Expedition, the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1919, and Captain Michael "Hell Roaring Mike" Healy, the first African-American commissioned as an officer in the U.S. military. The 3D scale at the bow of the ship represents 15 feet (1-foot increments from 1 to 5 feet and then 2-foot increments from 5 to 15 feet). These modifications were constructed using plans from Mystic Seaport Museum and historic photographs.
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