Rough seas and high winds to the port side of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Image courtesy of Deep-Sea Symphony: Exploring the Musicians Seamounts expedition, Art Howard. Download larger version (jpg, 20.9 MB).
While transiting overnight to today’s planned dive site at Liszt Seamount, the seas and winds picked up, creating a rocky ride for all on board. Unfortunately, by morning the conditions did not improve. The sea state was rough and winds were sustained at 25 knots (28 mph), making conditions unsuitable to safely launch the remotely operated vehicle. The Okeanos team decided to keep moving north towards Wednesday’s dive site at Debussy Seamount. All on board hunkered down and to catch up on dive summaries, vehicle maintenance, and other projects. Depending on how the seas and weather fair throughout the expedition, the team will try to return for a dive on Liszt Seamount later in the cruise.