While the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration engineers conducted their test on the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) systems during Dive 01 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration, we took some time to get reacquainted with the stream set up used during ROV dives. Shown here is the Camera 1 display, which is the view from ROV Deep Discoverer (D2). In this image, the pilots are testing D2’s manipulator arm under the watchful eye of a sablefish. During science dives, the manipulator arm is used to collect biological and geological samples.
Testing D2’s Manipulator Arm
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration. Download larger version (jpg, 980 KB).

While the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration engineers conducted their test on the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) systems during Dive 01 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration, we took some time to get reacquainted with the stream set up used during ROV dives. Shown here is the Camera 1 display, which is the view from ROV Deep Discoverer (D2). In this image, the pilots are testing D2’s manipulator arm under the watchful eye of a sablefish. During science dives, the manipulator arm is used to collect biological and geological samples.