The suction sampler on remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer reaches out to collect a sample of a glass sponge in the genus Farrea at a depth of 1,043 meters (3,412 feet) during Dive 08 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration expedition. The suction sampler is an underwater vacuum for collecting biological samples like fragile glass sponges that are too delicate to pick up using the jaws of Deep Discoverer’s hydraulic manipulator.
Collecting a Glass Sponge Sample
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS: West Coast Exploration. Download larger version (jpg, 1.47 MB).

The suction sampler on remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer reaches out to collect a sample of a glass sponge in the genus Farrea at a depth of 1,043 meters (3,412 feet) during Dive 08 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration expedition. The suction sampler is an underwater vacuum for collecting biological samples like fragile glass sponges that are too delicate to pick up using the jaws of Deep Discoverer’s hydraulic manipulator.