While biological and geological samples were not collected during 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS: West Coast Exploration engineering-focused dives, water samples were collected using Niskin bottles mounted on remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer to ensure the bottles are working properly. Here, expedition biology lead Alexis Weinning (left), geology lead Paige Koenig (center), and benthic biologist Ashley Marranzino process collected water samples using a U.S. Geological Survey pump system on the deck of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The samples will eventually be analyzed for eDNA (environmental DNA).
Processing Water Samples
Image courtesy of Art Howard, Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration/ NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS: West Coast Exploration. Download larger version (jpg, 13.4 MB).

While biological and geological samples were not collected during 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS: West Coast Exploration engineering-focused dives, water samples were collected using Niskin bottles mounted on remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer to ensure the bottles are working properly. Here, expedition biology lead Alexis Weinning (left), geology lead Paige Koenig (center), and benthic biologist Ashley Marranzino process collected water samples using a U.S. Geological Survey pump system on the deck of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The samples will eventually be analyzed for eDNA (environmental DNA).