This deepwater bubblegum coral, a host for California king crab, was observed during the 2020 Exploration Vessel <i>Nautilus</i> exploration of the Santa Lucia Bank, which lies within the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. Corals and sponges that make up the area’s seafloor habitats provide food and shelter for recreationally and commercially important fish species.
Bubblegum Coral
Image courtesy of Ocean Exploration Trust, NOAA. Download larger version (jpg, 6.04 MB).

This deepwater bubblegum coral, a host for California king crab, was observed during the 2020 Exploration Vessel Nautilus exploration of the Santa Lucia Bank, which lies within the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. Corals and sponges that make up the area’s seafloor habitats provide food and shelter for recreationally and commercially important fish species.

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