Map showing NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer’s track map for the 2023 EXPRESS: Exploration of Central California Coast expedition (EX2308) along with the mapping data collected, the locations of the five autonomous underwater vehicle dives (two Mola Mola dives were in the same location), and the boundaries of the existing national marine sanctuaries.
Final Operations Map
Map courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2023 EXPRESS: Exploration of Central California Coast. Download larger version (jpg, 1.03 MB).

Map showing NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer’s track map for the 2023 EXPRESS: Exploration of Central California Coast expedition (EX2308) along with the mapping data collected, the locations of the five autonomous underwater vehicle dives (two Mola Mola dives were in the same location), and the boundaries of the existing national marine sanctuaries.

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