<div class="cbp-l-inline"> 
	<img src="/technology/development-partnerships/21scattering-layer/features/summary/media/temp-salinity-500.jpg" alt="Figure 5. Water column profile of temperature and salinity at 29N, 87.6 W, where the water column exhibited a strong change in salinity in the upper 50 meters (164 feet) and matches the high-nutrient, productive waters (i.e., greater amounts of Chlorophyll a) being pushed offshore from the Mississippi River. The green line represents practical salinity, the red line represents temperature, and the y-axis is a measure of depth." title="Figure 5. Water column profile of temperature and salinity at 29N, 87.6 W, where the water column exhibited a strong change in salinity in the upper 50 meters (164 feet) and matches the high-nutrient, productive waters (i.e., greater amounts of Chlorophyll a) being pushed offshore from the Mississippi River. The green line represents practical salinity, the red line represents temperature, and the y-axis is a measure of depth." />
<div class="cbp-l-inline-below">
    <div class="cbp-l-inline-title">Temperature and Salinity Profile</div>
    <div class="cbp-l-inline-subtitle"><em>Image courtesy of Exploring Migrating Deep-Sea Scattering Layers.</em> <a href="/technology/development-partnerships/21scattering-layer/features/summary/media/temp-salinity-hires.jpg" download>Download largest version (jpg, 35 KB).</a></div>
    <div class="cbp-l-inline-desc"><p>Figure 5. Water column profile of temperature and salinity at 29N, 87.6 W, where the water column exhibited a strong change in salinity in the upper 50 meters (164 feet) and matches the high-nutrient, productive waters (i.e., greater amounts of Chlorophyll a) being pushed offshore from the Mississippi River. The green line represents practical salinity, the red line represents temperature, and the y-axis is a measure of depth.</p></div>
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        <a href="/technology/development-partnerships/21scattering-layer/features/summary/summary.html" class="cbp-l-inline-view">Learn more</a>